Tuesday 14 August 2012

Group Assignment 1: Furniture Design

I'm more inclined to graphics design and multimedia, so I never thought I'd have to be designing and building furniture one day! Heh.

In the lecture, Miss Lisa showed us examples of furniture using old and discarded items. It was really inspiring to see all the things one could make just from things lying about! Just goes to show that not everything needs to be bought from a store, if you have a little creativity.

This assignment was fairly interesting, since we had to split into groups of 6 to design and build a piece of working furniture. I volunteered to be team leader, with my teammates Lisa, Zue, Priya, Li Wei and K. For our presentation on that day, we had to pick a piece of furniture and think up of the concept and methods to create it by using recycled and repurposed materials.

We decided to make use of a big ol' TV that my grandmother wanted to throw out, and turn it into a multi-purpose bookshelf! It'll be a bookshelf, among many other things.

Our backup plan was to make an umbrella holder using egg cartons and pipes.

The specs.

Some rough sketches I did.

That's Priya taking a photo of Zue's writing, and me in the background writing things in my notebook.

Me again.

The final product has to be completed in about 3 weeks. Hopefully we'll make it in time!

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