Friday 24 August 2012

Group Assignment 1: Change of plans.

After some reconsideration, we decided not to use the TV to make our TV bookshelf and instead opted for our backup plan, the umbrella stand.

Here's a picture of the big ol' TV that we were going to use:

Some reasons why we didn't use the TV:
- Hazardous. In order for our TV bookshelf to work. we would have to break the glass of the screen and use the inside of it to place planks as shelves. While in theory, breaking the glass seems easy, practically it is a difficult process. None of us are experienced in breaking glass before and we don't have the right safety equipment, such as goggles.

- Time and cost inefficient. Given the timeframe of the project, it would simply take too much unnecessary time and effort to break the glass. Cleaning up the broken glass pieces would take a long time too.

In theory it looked nice. Credits to Zue for the photo.

A lesson learnt: just because it may look nice in theory, doesn't mean it will work well practically!

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