Sunday 21 April 2013

Assignment 6: Colour Wheel, Zoetrope research

For our next colour theory assignment, we had about 2 weeks to make an installation piece which relates back to the colour wheel. We decided to make a zoetrope, which will incorporate movement into our project, asides from showcasing the spectrum of the colour wheel.

My group members are Annabel, Atiqah, Jie Han, Hidayah, Mathuri and I.

First of all, a zoetrope is "a device that produces the illusion of motion from a rapid succession of static pictures" (thank you wikipedia). It's basically an optical toy, and was first built in 180 AD. Since then it was used as a form of entertainment.

How a large scale zoetrope looks like.

Zoetrope animation reel examples.

Examples of zoetropes in motion:

As for building the zoetrope, we planned to build it from scratch, so we decided to use a lazy susan as the base, since it can be spun around just like a real zoetrope, and build it on from there.

A lazy susan. (note: not a person)

...Technically it should work like that. Haha.

The cylindrical structure would be made out of plastic covered with black paper, with slits cut into them. A few progress pictures:

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