Tuesday 2 October 2012

Individual Assignment 7: Process and Finished work.

We were given a quick exercise yesterday to test our colour theory and colour psychology skills. Basically we had to match a font to the six colours given, and give a word that best describes it.

Screenshot of me going through Adobe Illustrator, trying to find the right font!

Half of the work is choosing a suitable font. That meant going through free font sites such as dafont.com and my computer's existing font bank to look for a font that matched the mood of the colour.

[Fonts used: League Gothic Regular, Ostrich Sans bold, Ostrich Sans medium]

Black: Corporate. The colour black to me is a formal colour, since it does not have any "colour" or hue, per se; it gives off a serious mood. Corporations are serious business, hence the choice of word. The font I chose is a simple, no-nonsense one.

White: Clinical. Since the colour white is hard to see on a white background, I used a font that had a black outline. The colour white is clean and pure. The first thing I think of when I think of the word white are clinics, and the imagery of long hallways and sterilised medical equipment. The font chosen for this one is also a rather serious font, albeit giving off a slightly different mood from the previous one.

Grey: Calm. Most people may think the colour gray is dull. But I like to think of it as a neutral colour, therefore making it give off the impression of calmness. A tall and thin font was chosen, almost resembling a calm, clear mind.

 [Fonts used: Edo SZ, Shagadelic bold, Snell Roundhand black]

Red: Passion. RED. PASSION. THE BLOOD OF OUR ENEMIES. That was the first thing I thought of when I see the colour red. Look at that brush-like font. Almost looks like blood, doesn't it? THE BLOOD OF OUR ENEMI-- yeah okay I'll stop. Red gives off a very passionate feeling because of its intense hue. Really makes you feel like being really passionate about something like KILLING FOR THE BLO- okay no. But there is no doubt that red is sometimes associated with passion.

Blue: Peace. This shade of blue conveys a rather serene feeling, like the blue sky or a calm blue sea. Serene and peaceful. Ironically, I chose a 60s-esque sort of font for this, because peace is often associated with the 60s. Peace out.

Purple: Elegance. Purple does not only resemble royalty, but elegance as well. A sophisticated font was chosen for a sophisticated colour. In addition to the colour purple, cursive fonts also tend to look very fancy and sophisticated themselves.
[Fonts used: ChunkFive, Calgary Script OT, my own font a.k.a. my own handwriting!]

Brown: Stability. Brown is a very earthy tone, so it makes sense that a word to associate it with is Stability. The font chosen is a chunky, serif font to represent something being very grounded. (Get it? Grounded? Earth? Haha okay nevermind that was a lame attempt at trying to be clever)

Pink: Feminity. This one is rather obvious and stereotypical. Barbie dolls, My Little Ponies, and most other toys targeted to girls are pink. Other brands for ladies are usually pink too. The cursive and playful font I chose kind of reminds me of Katy Perry.

Aina: Light blue! I chose light blue to represent my name because it's my favourite colour. And I thought, what better way to represent myself as a font by using my own font! In other words, my own handwriting. I wrote my name with my graphics tablet in Photoshop for this.

That's all for now!

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