Tuesday 5 February 2013

Assignment 1: Self Portrait

Hello! So here I am with my self-portrait!

The first thing that came to mind when thinking of things that represented me was a computer, since I spend so much time on it. In this piece, I tried to "capture" myself within the computer! It is supposed to represent my own self "reflected" onto the computer screen. It's not very clear here, but the more white parts of the picture are actually holes cut out in the paper!

Almost ironic how I used paper, a traditional means for art, to portray myself in a digital world. I tried to capture the surrealism by cutting the holes in the paper, so that you can put your hand through the "screen". It is an almost literal representation that just because I may seem trapped in certain situations, does not mean I can't reach out and discover new things on the other side. Or maybe that's just supposed to be an unfunny pun, of which I am now known to be infamous for. (heh)

I feel that my self-portrait really represents me because since I spend so much time in the digital world - be it interacting with friends on social media, reading up on things through online articles, or even drawing digitally with my graphics tablet - the computer has almost become a part of me, and a part of my identity. It also shows my vulnerability, my weakness of depending too much on technology.

The interpretation of this piece can go either way. What I think is constant though, is that despite the medium; computer or paper, I am still me. Aina is still Aina.