Thursday 13 September 2012

Individual Assignment 3: Grids

 Miss Lisa taught us that a good way to get a simple grid is by folding the paper in half a few times and then unfolding it. Using that technique, these are what I came up with:

This was my first sketch for the magazine article. Miss Lisa said my pull quote was too big, so I did another one.

 I learned that the "X" in a box represents an image.

And here's the one I did for the poster. A poster consists mainly of the image, that's why the big "X" covers almost the whole paper.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Extra: Other group's works!

Besides CapFe's umbrella stand, here are the other groups and their finished furniture designs that were presented that day!

Group Assignment 1: Finished Furniture!

CapFe Industries present; the steampunk-inspired umbrella stand!

Our presentation went fairly well. I'm so glad we managed to pull through to finish this. :']

Sunday 9 September 2012

Extra: Mindblowing Logos

I was browsing some design sites the other day, and I could. not. get over these crazy cool logo designs. It's so clever. Really inspiring, too. I wish I could come up with something as brilliant. These two were my personal favourite:

More from [here]

Design research, or procrastination? Depends on how you look at it, haha. Bye for now!

Thursday 6 September 2012

Individual Assignment 2: Composition & Design

In this week's lecture, we learned about composition and framing, as well as the design process. For our assignment, we had to go around campus and take 20 photos of a certain subject, using our cutout frames made from mounting board. The frame made it easier to see the composition, since it blocked out a portion of the view that was not in the composition.

At the end of the day, we had to take an extra 30 more photos of the same subject. My subject matter was initially signs that I found around campus.